An Avoided Accident (Albedo)

A/N: This… This was supposed to be a concept post but uh, I guess it’s also a bit like a drabble now? Anyways here’s some Albedo content for the brain, though please note that since this was written before his release, characterization may not be as accurate!

You’re hanging out with Albedo in the wilderness and he’s sketching the landscape… About a minute ago he’d brought a crystalfly to life, so when he puts down his paintbrush and skims over this page you’re understandably concerned - What would even happen if he were to cast his magic on this? Would a miniature mountain range appear, or…

Sucrose’s voice plays in your mind as a reminder of Albedo’s past accidents. His gaze flickers to yours when you ask him what he intends to do with the piece; you hope he registers the true meaning behind your words. Please don’t bring it to life, who knows what’ll happen if you do?

But alas, Albedo only brings a hand to his chin in thought, pondering aloud of the curious nature of this particular view - a cold breeze would wander to your spot on occasion, though the snow-peaked structures were so far away…

You were just about to directly appeal to him about not bringing it to life, but it seems that you didn’t have to as Albedo shuts his sketchbook and collects his items.

We’ve been out for some time, he said, starting on the path back to Mondstadt. Part of you is surprised that he did what you were hoping on his own, but a telltale quirk of his lips was enough to reveal that he had picked up on your cue.

A part of you was proud, for some reason, that he’s managed to understand that. This was a far cry from when you first met Albedo. It’d certainly taken some time for the both of you to be this familiar with one-another, and little victories like these never cease to put a smile on your face.

Also, he was getting cheekier, huh? You can’t believe he held you out on that suspense for so long! You’d almost cracked under the pressure of his ramblings, growing more nervous by the second as your brain tried to think of countermeasures if he did cast magic onto that page.

But… You supposed you could handle his quirks and teasing every now and then (he certainly seemed amused by your inward panic just now). It’s not everyday that you get to know a genius, after all.
