Anon asked: Different anon but hcs for Scaramouche with a s/o who just isn't intimated by him? They just don't understand

Anon asked:
Different anon but hcs for Scaramouche with a s/o who just isn’t intimated by him? They just don’t understand how anyone can be, like they acknowledge his strength and stuff but still they think it’s funny how his underlings are scared of him bc well they just don’t see it.

(you’re literally describing dmitriy mostly,,, oh my god)


  • He’s so smug about it
  • and amused
  • The Fatui members are just so… questioning about it
  • Like… how? How are you not afraid
  • You find it amusing too
  • He’s not that scary
  • with his height its hard to be scary
  • moving on
  • The fact that they are scared and intimidated has you looking at him and asking
  • “What trauma did you give them?” 
  • Scara denies that he has any involvement outside of giving them orders
  • Innocent whistling. 