Genshin Impact Characters Playing ACNH

Genshin Impact Characters Playing ACNH


- In terms of bells, has no bells

- House loans are paid by Childe each time he visits

- Regularly tours the museum and always listens to Blathers’ info dumps

- House is an organised mess of several piles of misc. things that just sit in different rooms.

- Has one outfit in his entire wardrobe

- Participates in all island events

- Has plans to raise bells for bridges and inclines to further the island’s reputation and overall growth.

- (In the end, the villagers start a gofundme page for Zhongli and Tom Nook hosts a celebration when they reach their goal).

- Bonus: Redd hates him for knowing legits from fakes. No cousin discount for Zhongli lol


- In terms of bells: jingle jangle ?

- Has paid all loans (Tom Nook hates him for it) and has a ton saved in his bank

- Abuses the turnip market bc ofc he does

- Traps villagers he hates in cages

- Traps villagers who want to leave after giving them the okay to in cages lmao

- BUT he does buy some villagers gifts he thinks will suit them and is happy to lend them money

- Traps villagers who refuse his money in ca–SJXHSJZJ I’M KIDDING

- Bathers: wanna hear about this fossil?/ Childe: No VS Blathers: *sweats* Y-You obviously d-don’t wanna hear about b-b-bugs! / Childe: I’d LOVE to :D


- Works very hard to achieve the island goals (」゚ロ゚)」

- Regularly visits villager houses and greets the ones they pass by

- Reports to Isabelle daily for updates on island rating

- Attempts to budgets spending and save enough bells for all the inclines and bridges dksjsjsjs why is no one else donating?!??? (T▽T)

- Prone to explore mystery islands

- Loves the different island events and always helps prepare (ノ^o^)ノ


- 5* island like a beautiful flower garden

- Everything is tidy, clean and so cozy (●´∀`●) it’s a paradise you never want to leave!

- Waters plants daily

- Has many different outfit designs saved

- Will miss villagers but supports them if they want to expand their horizons and leave \(;´O`)/

- Always at KK Slider’s concerts


- in terms of bells, he could be doing better

- infinite sea basses and bad puns galore

- every tree he shakes has wasps?? like all of them??!!??

- every mystery island is just full of bamboo lol

- he visits a villager and they’re either not in, asleep or sick

- he heard the wind, sees the balloon, his slingshot breaks after a miss

- his turnips never sell for more than 60 bells sjdjdjx so all that money investment wasted ?

- sweet child trusts Redd and winds up with his house being inhabited by a spirit from a haunted painting
