Guizhong Reincarnation AU: Ningguang's younger sister

Guizhong Reincarnation AU: Ningguang’s younger sister

Being the younger sister by 2 years to the Tianquan of Liyue’s Qixing, Guizhong never had much interest in merchanting to aquire wealth like her sister, though she has the brilliants for it. She prefers to spend most of her time in smaller cities and villages, helping them grow via setting up trade connections in the harbor or improving their own goods so they can be traded for a higher worth, since she’s well aware that trading is the lifeblood of Liyue now and believes all citizens should be able to benefit from it. Not just the wealthy.

Through her work, she often discovers everyday tasks that would benefit from being made easier, and so in her free time she pours over papers, inventing tools to solve them.

She invents them, and than trusts Ningguang to manufacture and distribute them at a fair price, which her sister always does.

(She was not in the harbor when the Rite of Descension happened, and she still isn’t sure why, once word reached her of Rex Lapis’ death, she was unconsolable for days.)
