I’m tired. SO goddamn tired of people that feel entitled. Yes, this is about the Zhongli debate. And yes, I too would love bufs,...

I’m tired.

SO goddamn tired of people that feel entitled.

Yes, this is about the Zhongli debate.

And yes, I too would love bufs, who wouldn’t? I’d love to have my favourite characters be as strong as possible. But this is not the point.

Let’s state a fact: Zhongli is a SUPPORT.
No, he’s no DPS, I’m sorry to break this news to you. I’m sorry if you watched many whale youtubers on beta or not that used him to deal a fuckton of damage so you thought you were going to pull for a dps.

Let’s get real, he’s not one. So, if you really want to build and play him as such, in a role he wasn’t meant to cover, OF COURSE you’re gonna need him with better Constellation and equip than other 5* (real) dps.

It’s not miHoYo’s fault if you feel scammed after pulling for him. His stats, talents and constellations were freely available way before his banner dropped, so it’s on you to check it out before pulling if a character’s combat output is so important to you.
Personally I’m glad I pulled for him because I really like him as character, plus his shield is absolutely great.
That shield can tank almost everything (like Childe’s thunder one-shot attack), plus you can do the 2-Geo with Ningguang of Geo MC if you like.

Geo will always “underperform” in terms of damage since the focus of its reactions is shielding. And tbh, I now can see the appeal of having my dps being able to go full combo without a worry since I’m shielded from damage, and more important, from interrupt.

Everyone was excited for him and I though it was because they liked the character, now I discover that people misinterpreted some youtube video, didn’t bother to check his real stats and expected him to be this game-breaking OP character.

People says miHoYo should’ve have nerfed him from the beta. B ut you know what? They were right to do so.
Having one OP character means no variety, and complaining about this makes me thing this is your first gacha.
You know what happens when a single character is OP? That it becomes a must, something you can’t skip if you want decent output, especially in games that feature pvp, like Honkai.
In Honkai, for instance, Tronya (HoR) is a must, to have her and her weapon. Now, Honkai is a lot older than Genshin, and Tronya had had enough reruns of her banner to allow f2p players to get her with the pity summon if they want. Heck, aside from rare occasions where there’s a character I REALLY want, I’m f2p too, and I got her and her weapon.
Genshin instead is still young, Zhongli’s is the fourth banner EVER, there will be time for reruns, but not now. So it’s not viable to have him OP from the start and make him a must-have game-breaking character like in the beta.

So no, he doesn’t need a buff.

He needs people to stop doing things at random only to complain afterwards.
Genshin is a gacha game, and for what I know, its rates are average while the pity system is one of the best around (I think only Arknights may have a better pity system but take this with a grain of salt as I don’t play it).
And no, I’m not paid by miHoYo to defend them, nor I’m writing this in the hope that one of its employers would give me free primogems, as someone said on Twitter (but if an employer do find this post and want to give me Primogems anyway, my UID in in my bio :p )

But you know why the Zhongli problem really happened? Because he’s not a girl.
FGO’s Van Gogh is really subpar compared to other 5*, but people spent money on her anyway and I didn’t see all this ruckus.

Again, if you’re pulling a character for his damage output, then check their info before pulling.
Personally I think that being strong is just an added bonus, because the main reason I pull is because I like the character (reason why I don’t use Ningguang despite her being strong for a Geo team), so Zhongli not being this OP killing machine people thought he was from the beta doesn’t really touch me.

I’m just tired of people shitting on a character because they can’t read and demand him to be used for a role he’s not made for.
