@pantslesswaifu asked: Imma be real, I've been binge reading your genshin stories and honestly I am so addicted! lololol

@pantslesswaifu asked:
Imma be real, I’ve been binge reading your genshin stories and honestly I am so addicted! lololol would you be willing to do an Aether x isekai’d!reader where they somehow wound up in Mondstadt from the real world and can’t get back, or would that be too much???


  • If he knows of your story, there’s a type of kinship between you two, since you’re both stuck in Teyvat, albeit different circumstances
  • While he has some semblance of a clue for how to continue on his journey, you’re not even sure how you got there in the first place
  • You decide to join him on his journey, and to just see and explore until you find a way to return home
  • Aether finds your presence comforting when he reminisces of his home 
  • There’s just something that you both share that he can’t seem to connect with anyone else to
  • Maybe that’s why Aether enjoys talking to you and being by your side