Genshin Guide to Raising Adventure Rank

Genshin Guide to Raising Adventure Rank

im currently at adventure rank 38, so although im certainly not the highest up there, i think i have at least a few tips for yall. they sound basic but like they actually do help so please consider

  1. DAILY COMMISSIONS: i know this has been drilled into your head by now, but if you weren’t already aware, just completing your daily commissions and getting the bonus reward yields 1500 exp (250 each, 500 bonus). thats a lot, even for “late game” players.
  2. GRIND BOSSES: also seems like a no-brainer, but just grinding a few bosses can make a huge difference and quickly when it comes to getting exp. especially with the raised max resin number, you can get thousands of exp at a time for just one burst, and then you can either wait or restore your resin manually to grind even more. (i think its about 200ish each? will have to check later)
  3. ACCEPT ALL QUESTS: they usually offer up to 100 exp at a time, and although they’re more of a thing you have to actively look for, accept every one you can.
  4. DOMAINS: not only do domains offer other materials, but they offer exp! 100 usually, but some offer more and better rewards if your level is high enough. (450 exp i think for 2 domains in liyue)
  5. STATUES: offering anemoculi and geoculi to the statues does offer exp, even if it might be really annoying to track them down. also in liyue there’s a quest that offers 450 exp and 40 primgems that requires you max out your geo statue, so if you’re willing to give that a try go ahead.
  6. EXPLORE: even just doing stuff like opening chests can give you exp (and primogems ?). not much, obviously, but going out and facing the wilderness while waiting for your resin to recharge never hurt anybody

feel free to add to this!
