Visions Headcanon

I realized I’ve been writing assuming that my dumb little headcanon is true (I don’t think it is lmao) but I’ve seen it in other works, so maybe it’s not that odd? Anyway, I’m gonna explain it just in case, as well as go into it in a bit of depth. I’m excluding dendro, as we don’t know much about it right now. I’ll add it in when we learn more.

  • Visions hold a lot of elemental energy. As such, the people who wield them are often affected in subtle ways by it, newer users moreso as they don’t know quite yet how to control it. The ways the user is affected is different for each element.
  • Pyro: The most commonly noticed. A pyro-user is warm to the touch. For longer-time users, this is more subtle, being just comfortable and slightly above average. Meanwhile, for newer or more tempered users, this can fluctuate to near scorching. This temperature difference changed with the user’s emotions- the more extreme an emotion, especially a negative one, the hotter they will be. It’s similar to a blush, in some ways, only much, much hotter. The temperature change doesn’t harm the user, nor does it necessarily harm any witnesses, so long the user is careful.
  • Cryo: A direct contrast to pyro users: a cryo-wielder is colder to the touch. Unlike with pyro users, this temperature difference is a near constant, with very little fluctuation, and is a lot more controlled so it cannot directly harm those around them. A particularly emotional cryo user, though, can have this temperature change escalate to the point of having ice crystals resting on their skin. This phenomenon isn’t commonly observed, though, as cryo visions are often given to more level-headed people.
  • Electro: Similar to the previous two, electro-users have a subtle charge within their body. As such, they are much more prone to being a conduit for static shocks, which can sometimes be uncomfortable for those around them. With time and experience, this charge can become nearly invisible, manifesting as only a slight tingle when touching them. The user cannot detect this charge.
  • Hydro: A more subtle difference: a hydro-user’s skin is unusually soft. A seemingly silly reaction, but noticeable nonetheless. This may have lead to the perception of hydro-wielders being more gentle or caring, or perhaps it’s just Barbara’s influence. Either way, a hydro-user’s romantic partner usually doesn’t complain. ;)
  • Geo: A direct contrast to hydro: a geo-wielder’s skin is unusually rough. This is often most noticeable in nobles, or those who don’t often do tough labor. No matter how much work they’ve done in their lives, their hands are slightly calloused and rough to the touch. Again, a geo-user’s sexual partner usually doesn’t complain ;)
  • Anemo: An anemo-user’s clothes and hair seemingly always has a flair for the dramatic. Let me clarify: you know the pictures where someone’s hair is perfectly blowing in the breeze? Or the photos of a coat or dress after a few spins? That’s just a constant for an anemo-wielder. Some flaunt it. Some find it infuriating. Either way, it’s an aesthetic TM.