I guess I can consider myself somewhat of a "veteran" HI3 player, so for the people new to Genshin and Mihoyo's games

I guess I can consider myself somewhat of a “veteran” HI3 player, so for the people new to Genshin and Mihoyo’s games in general, here’s a tip:

If you want nice stats or want to spend, ALWAYS try for the best supports. This is another reason why I wanted Zhongli and not Childe (besides the fact that I like Zhongli more). Childe is a really good dps, true, but that’s only for now. Same with Diluc-sama (I apolgize Diluc-sama but I must speak the truth). When Herrscher of the Void Kiana dropped in HI3, she was the best dps……until she got out-dpsed by new battlesuits later on. And then there’s Celestial Hymn Theresa, who is still one of the best physical support in that game after like….2 years? Same with Azure Empyrea. Bottom line is, if you want the most bang for your buck in Mihoyo’s games, spend them on good supports. The “best dps” will always change, but great supports probably won’t stop being great supports anytime soon.
