zhongli in bed fluff headcanons:

zhongli in bed fluff headcanons:

  • generally considers time in bed to be resting hours™, especially if you seem more tired than usual
  • if spooning: zhongli will be big spoon, primarily because he enjoys feeling you fitted against his chest - especially if you curl up and your head fits under his chin. he feels as if, in this position, he’ll be able to keep you safe.
  • also gives him the ability to run his fingers through your hair. it’s more of an absent-minded practice than anything else, one that he picked up ever since you had mentioned that the sensation relaxes you and makes it easier for you to sleep.
  • if you shower before getting into bed, he enjoys smelling the leftover of your shampoo in your hair. just everything about you soothes him, and makes him feel more present.
  • if zhongli isn’t playing with your hair, then he’s rubbing circles into your hips with his thumb.
  • if the two of you end up in conversation, he’ll make sure to listen intently to whatever you’re concerned/pondering about and offers words of encouragement and reassurance each time.
  • while pillow talk is a foreign concept to him (he’s never been one to speak about himself, being solely focused on you), he’ll always give you genuine advice, followed by soft kisses to the back of your head whenever you pause to think.
  • “there are always solutions, even if they take time to present themselves,” he’d murmur gently. “so long as you aren’t reckless with the situation, dearest.”
  • on one or two instances, zhongli might go on a tangent about things he’s noticed throughout the day. he may comment on new ships arriving in liyue harbor, supply details on a business deal that he approved of, or even just on liyuen scenery. these segments often lull you to sleep, and when he notices that you’ve dozed off, he finds it cute.
  • the type to hold your hand as the two of you sleep, either with his hand over yours or fingers intertwined.