Genshin Impact Theory - The Twin’s Original World  This is a theory I’ve had for a while about where the twins originally

Genshin Impact Theory - The Twin’s Original World 

This is a theory I’ve had for a while about where the twins originally came from. It’ll take a good while before Mihoyo comes out with the twin’s true backstory (whether in game or through their website), so this might be proven completely wrong, but imma stick with it for now. 

You know how the twins travel from world to world and are pretty damn powerful? Well, I think they are the children of a Mortal and God, making them Demi-Gods. This would make sense because their power had to come from somewhere. Their mortal parent (mom or dad, it’s up to you) would happen to be the King/Queen of their original world, thus making them royals (this isn’t necessarily hinted at, but it makes sense to me). 

The twin’s God parent (again, mom or dad depending on how you see it) abandons them and leaves them with their Mortal parent, and thus becomes the first reason why the twins feel the need to rely on no one but each other. Their Mortal parent, who was very much in love with the God, thus took their anger out on the twins. This causes the twins to care for no one but each other, and to an extent resent their world. 

Some sort of calamity happens in the twin’s original world that causes it to grow closer to it’s destruction. The twins, being Demi-Gods, unlock their power for the first time and use it to create a portal to another world, leaving their now destroyed world and their unloving parents forever. The twins continue to explore different worlds as travelers unlocking and expanding more and more of their powers with each world. However, the only way they can create portals to other worlds is by combining their powers and working together. 

Therefore, during the first events of the game, where the MC Traveler watches their twin get taken away from in front of them and have their powers stripped, the other twin can not leave the world (I doubt the Abyss Leader twin would want to leave without their sibling anyway, but I figured the detail needed to be added to make sense).

Again, this is all a theory (a game theory! haha, just kidding), but I’m sticking with it until we get a confirmed backstory. 
