A list of things involving my feral traveler, Luma: Dies constantly from falling. HAS DROWNED IN SHALLOW WATER. Lives life

A list of things involving my feral traveler, Luma:

  • Dies constantly from falling.
  • Lives life on the edge with their stamina meter.
  • Collects the hell out of mushrooms.
  • Refuses to use stairs unless absolutely necessary.
  • Can be seen coming out of the water with a fish in her mouth. She might even eat it like that if tempted enough. Do not question her.
  • Fights everything on sight, despite knowing better than to keep doing so.
  • Has to have her dressed constantly fixed by Paimon (and later, Jean).
  • The dress however is in a permanent state of tatters. You see it looking pristine? You’ll be lucky enough if that even lasts a good hour.
  • Can be seen acting completely feral with Razor.
  • Venti went down a long list of names before Luma was decided on.
  • Luma does not remember her own name. She remembers her twin brother’s, but not her own.
  • Luma picked Luma, because it sounded the most familiar in how it CLICKED.
  • Has a huge soft spot for Venti, despite the fact that she got in trouble with the law at least once because of his shenanigans.
  • Will constantly threaten to eat Paimon. Often goes, “You live to see another day.” after a successful hunting session.
  • Paimon is mildly intimidated, but mostly annoyed.
  • Started off with long hair that had to be cut off after it got caught in the bushes while she was grabbing mushrooms.
  • Paimon will not shut up about it like, “YOUR HAIR!!” “It’ll grow back.”
  • Upon realizing how long she slept and that she might be older than she actually thinks, Luma just straight up goes “HA I CAN DRINK, SUCK IT PAIMON!!” and flips her off before chugging down a bottle of dandelion wine.

I think we have like…11 deaths clocked in. Also, we are completely out of the regular fruit items, AND WHY IS FOWL SO HARD TO COME BY. HOW DARE YOU NOT LET US EAT GAME MEAT ON ITS OWN.


Currently at Rank 22. Will start doing commissions on my own time, and will be saving up for the Zhongli banner. Razor is on there and I HAVE A NEED. So that the team can now be full on feral.

After that, I’ll just probably save for like…Venti, should his banner ever go up again.

Anyways, that’s all I have for Luma, and my Genshin adventures!!
