Hehe it's been a while! Let show off so of the shit I've made ^^ Meet my angel boy for ♡ @appri-dot ♡ ndad crew. Duckie

Hehe it’s been a while! Let show off so of the shit I’ve made ^^

Meet my angel boy for ♡ @appri-dot ♡ ndad crew. Duckie has effectively name him Angelo♡ the song he’s based off of is vengeance in cloud land

Angelo was a high ranking angel who was the most adored until heaven was attacked. He doesn’t remember much but found himself lock into a statue that wouldn’t allow him to be free ever again. The first interaction with Duckie was,,, weird

The sizes are off on this one because it’s old. Now he lives in a castle where he preforms on occasion! Despite his timid nature he can and will kick your ass if you do or say something wrong. He still is an angel and angels are weapons of god. Also Angelo may or may not have gotten married to Duckie later on

This is Jack! He’s a hit man/performer that makes his whole life the stage!! He’s based off of spring heeld Jack and is part of the lemon demon crew which is also owned by my Appi bapi♡♡♡

He look like a demon but that’s just a mask. He makes his job into the best performances to an apparent audience. Is it in his head or are we being watched? Anywho because he’s dedicated himself to pure acting his personality is purely false. Underneath that mask is nothing but a burning circle. Maybe he could feel day but how likely is that I mean come on,,,,

There’s two more but they’re way to fresh out of the oven so maybe later ^^
