fatui harbingers and the nicknames they give their s/o!! Childe loves to call you all sorts of nicknames, from wholesome

fatui harbingers and the nicknames they give their s/o!!

Childe loves to call you all sorts of nicknames, from wholesome ones like “my beloved”, and, “My darling”, to more playful ones, such as “babe”, and “wifey”. his favorite to call you is wifey, as he’s obsessed with adding you to the family as soon as possible!!

Sandrone is all about the “doll” nicknames. She calls you “Doll”, and “dolly” mostly. She also adds adjectives!! like “cute little dolly”, or, “my little doll”. she also uses “darling”, “my beloved”, and “princess,”!

Pantalone is a fan of using rich terms to refer to you, mentioning jewels and gems, things easily traded for lots of mora. “My gem,” “my little jewel”, and a rather chaotic: “my lil mora bag”.

Signora is all for giving you teasing nicknames, but she has to has the best for her dearest. She calls you, “My love”, “My dear,” “darling”, “my butterfly,” “my flame” and “My moth”.

Arlecchino isn’t one for nicknames, but she does sometimes call you, “my love”, and that’s about it.

Scaramouche usually calls you by your name, as he doesn’t see the need for nicknames and pet-names, but he does often call you “mine”, or “my own”.

Pulcinella isn’t usually one for extravagant nicknames, instead he usually calls you by simple ones like “Darling”, “Dearest”, and “My love.”

Dottore’s nicknames usually depend on which segment is talking to you, the younger clones will most likely call you things like “babe”, “duckling”, and “bunny”. The older Dottore’s stick with “my love”, “darling”, “my pet,” and “dearest”, but one nickname sticks no matter what age the clone is, and that’s “my little test subject”, and “my experiment in romance”.

Columbina loves to use angel-themed nicknames, as well as bird themed ones, so you’ll often her her calling you, “My angel”, “my seraphim”, “my cherub”, and “my virtues”, and the bird nicknames consist of “My dove,” “my ladybird”, “my swan”, “little bird”, and her personal favorite, “birb birb”.

Capitano tends to use more mainstream nicknames, but sometimes he’ll use something cute, he’ll rarely call you “cupcake,” and he usually uses “My love”, “darling”, “beloved”, and “my dear” or “dearest”.

Pierro doesn’t often use nicknames, but when he does they tend to be sweet. he calls you “My star,” “dearest,” and “my love”.
