Bennett: aw what happened to make you look 50 at 25? Diluc: I shouldn’t trauma dump to teenagers…Anyways, it all started on

Bennett: aw what happened to make you look 50 at 25?

Diluc: I shouldn’t trauma dump to teenagers…Anyways, it all started on my eighteenth birthday. My father had possession of a Delusion. To save Mondstadt, he used it to defeat Ursa the Drake, a great monster that terrorized our city for millennia. The Delusion caused him horrible suffering. I watched my father experience excruciating pain before my very eyes. I killed him with my own hands to put him out of his misery. My brother, Kaeya, then approached me later that day to inform me he was a…actually, I’ll keep that part to myself. If you truly must know, you can ask Kaeya yourself. Either way, I tried to kill him after hearing what he said. Furthermore, my father, who had died valiantly, was denied celebration, and his death was covered up by the knights. I abandoned my post after that. For years, I traveled Teyvat, pursuing the Fatui. I killed many men. I saw crimes in countries that none should have to see. I saw people senselessly slaughtered and experimented on, sick children given up as sacrifices. I’ve never been able to wash the blood off my hands. Have you ever reached your arm into the cavity of an open chest or neck? Have you touched a human spine? It will never leave your mind. I saw my own bones in winter air. I’ve been tortured with visions and voices ever since, screaming women and children pleading for their lives, wicked angels egging me on to destroy myself and others. I tried to commit suicide by nearly every method possible. Somehow, I’m still here. I thank no one for it, not even Celestia. In fact, I rue those sons of bitches for giving me this life in the first place.

Bennett: ah okay! I got a concussion yesterday
