
I’m older than Time and Space, because I’m conscious. Things derive from me; the whole of Nature is the offspring of


The truth is a snare: you cannot have it, without being caught. You cannot have the truth in such a way that you catch it,


I’ve never loved anyone. The most that I’ve loved are my sensations – states of conscious seeing, impressions gathered


The instinctive persistence of life over and above any intelligence is something that provides matter for some of my


The difficulties which I meet with in order to realize my existence are precisely what awaken and mobilize my activities,


A man’s life is wasted when he lives on, so deceived by the joys of life or by its sorrows, that he never becomes


There is a supreme lucidity, which is the precisely calculated awareness which is called madness.


An unconscious relationship is more powerful than a conscious one.


If a person continues to see only giants, it means he is still looking at the world through the eyes of a child.


There is nothing so powerful as truth — and often nothing so strange.
