#Rachel Kushner

Later, Giddle’s response when I told her I was in love: “Oh God, I’m so sorry. Love is awful. It ruins every normal thing,...


Did you ever notice that women can seem common while men never do? You won’t ever hear anyone describe a man’s appearance


It’s hard to live on the streets. In prison, you can be someone. Life has order if you know how to do time, and I know. I’m


A forced contemplation of the heavens, crisp and angelic blue, a classic prelude to death.


You have time. Meaning don’t use it, but pass through time in patience, waiting for something to come. Prepare for its


I was assigned a public defender. We were all hopeful things would go differently. They did not go differently. They went


Reality, in a sense, was not an objective place where you were thrust. You had to maintain your hold on it by vigilantly


People are born every minute of their lives, and what they are in each of those minutes is what they are completely.


It was not the case that one thing morphed into another, child into woman. You remained the person you were before
