Bela, Cassandra and Daniela, vibing to WAP as they torture some man-thing that had sneaked into the castle: now get your

Bela, Cassandra and Daniela, vibing to WAP as they torture some man-thing that had sneaked into the castle: now get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussy!

Alcina, in a room nearby, frowning: what is with this ruckus?

Bela: he bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussy.

Cassandra: pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussy.

Daniela: now make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussy.

Alcina, deeply concerned: daughters… are you straight?

BCD, shocked because they hadn’t hear their mother arrive: Mama, it’s just a song!

Little did Alcina know that her daughters were all in a relationship with one maiden. The same maiden, to be precise.

Based on this vine.
