New small headcanon when it comes to impostors that i'd like to implement into this blog since we haven't gotten very far

New small headcanon when it comes to impostors that i’d like to implement into this blog since we haven’t gotten very far into the story yet. For one, impostors have a “true” form that they keep hidden at all times unless necessary. Reginald has already been designed. Ellie hasn’t, so, i came up with an idea that female impostors are venomous. When not in her true form, a female looks like an average impostor, but she would still have a venomous bite with venom so potent, it can kill a crewmate in mere seconds. I’ve already been kicking the idea around of venomous impostors for some time, so i like this way of putting it. I’d like some thoughts on it though, from anyone who might like to comment on the idea.

