Daily Log #1

Daily Log #1

Today is the first day of our journey. I didn’t think maintaining the ship would be so hard. There are so many tasks to do that I’ve barely had time to get to know any of my crewmates. I don’t even know any of their names. I think I’ll start referring to them by their suit colors! Yeah! That’s clear!

I sat with Brown in the Cafeteria. They are nice! We went about doing our tasks together. It’s nice to have them with me, even if we couldn’t talk much. The ship’s a little creepy but having Brown around made me feel safer. I think I’ll stick with them from now on!

We caught Red muttering to herself near Electric. The lights were broken, so I suppose she was probably trying to fix that. I couldn’t help but think that if Brown hadn’t been around, she would have literally devoured me, which is so so creepy. Though there are bound to be some creepy people on board. She could be one of them.

Green has a little mini-me! She waved at me while they passed me and Brown in Storage. I would love to get to properly meet Green and his daughter and maybe get to know them better!

Nothing much besides that’s happened today. Brown and I went about doing tasks, fixed a couple wires and checked the shields. I think we are going to go to Medical for our scans tomorrow but I’m not 100% sure… I’ll have to check with Brown

Bye Bye for now!

