Teen Wolf Character Playing Among Us: Stiles: psychoanalyses everyone’s words, has an evidence board he updates every round

Teen Wolf Character Playing Among Us:

Stiles: psychoanalyses everyone’s words, has an evidence board he updates every round with his list of suspects, scores off who has been killed or ejected with a red pen, takes up all of the voting time trying to explain his wild theories

Scott: ‘guys why is my name in red’, tries to follow stiles around and gets really offended when stiles is imposter and kills him (‘BRO I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS’), wins once as imposter and has never let anyone forget it

Allison: gets killed first does all her tasks really fast and then watches everyone on cams, queen of marinating to the extent everyone is arguing that she is not the imposter

Lydia: can kill in front of someone and convince them she isn’t imposter, pretends to predict who is going to be killed in the next round, stiles takes it way too seriously because ‘MAYBE BANSHEE POWERS WORK ON VIDEO GAMES TOO’

Derek: slaughters everyone, never speaks during meetings, him and lydia are absolutely lethal together, king of stack kills, gets bored being a crewmate and never completes his tasks

Peter: hella sus (cos’ everything he says sounds vaguely threatening anyways), doesn’t understand why they have to kill people on a video game ‘when we could kill real people for fun’, doesn’t care about the rules, vents infront of everyone

Isaac: chaotic evil, walks past dead bodies without reporting, never goes to fix lights/reactor, always accuses stiles even when it’s so obviously not him ‘cos’ its funny’, kills in front of someone and blames it on them, somehow gets away with it

Kira: never gets imposter but always gets voted off anyways, enjoys being a ghost and finishing her tasks without the threat of being killed, ‘how do you fix lights’, forgets to go on mute and screams whenever someone comes near her

Malia: gets really frustrated with the tasks, trusts no one, always self-reports when she gets imposter and gets really defensive when stiles calls her out on it, tries to kill stiles first but he gets paranoid and calls an emergency meeting, ‘ITS MALIA SHE’S FOLLOWING ME’
