So I was playing Among Us today in a random public lobby. And I found a group with a person who played as red. Red and I

So I was playing Among Us today in a random public lobby. And I found a group with a person who played as red. Red and I became kinda close. They watched me scan and stuff and I did the same for them. We stuck together most of the game. When I got killed, I watched over them. I even killed in front of them when I was imposter and they didn’t rat me out (they ended up winning because someone else caught on, but I appreciated it). When they got killed, I actually felt sad and was kinda glad when I died because I got to talk to them again.

I’m what I like to call a “public lobby prostitute.” I hop around public lobbies and never stick around for long. You’ll never see me again. I’ll play one game and leave. But I decided to try and stick with this group for some time until I sadly lost connection and couldn’t find the group again. Everyone there was pretty chill. Dark green was nice, I think their name was Wow I. They were both chill. We hung out together in the game and vouched for each other, it was lit. But I lost connection, and will probably never find the group again.

So kachoww and Wow I, if you’re out there, it’s wholesome.

Another person I got along with. Found a public lobby, found someone named Cctv man. Pretty nice person. We stuck together and vouched for each other. When I got killed, they were upset. I watched over them once I died. They liked death note. I got kicked from the lobby though.

So Cctv man who likes death note, if you’re reading this, it’s wholesome from those few rounds of among us.
