MBTI types playing Among us

INTJ: plans and executes the murder perfectly but when they have to lie, ENFP immidiately realizes they’re the impostor

ENTJ: doesn’t want to play as a crewmate, and they accuse literally everyone of lying

INTP: the wayyy to good impostor (who’s so good it’s kinda weird)

ENTP: gets voted out first in every. single. turn because the others find sus their passionate defension and accusation (YA’LL NEED TO REALIZE WE’RE PASSIONATE ALL THE BLOODY TIME, PEOPLE)

INFP: gets a panick attack when sees they’re the impostor

ENFP: always trusts the wrong people

INFJ: the crewmate who finds a body but afraid to report it because they don’t want to seem sus

ENFJ: makes a perfect plan but panicks when have to kill

ISFJ: finds the tasks actually kinda fun

ESFJ: gets scared when wins as an impostor

ISTJ: the one who’s suprisingly good and ruins all your impostor plans as a crewmate

ESTJ: accuses the right person but no one believes them

ISTP: really silent so sus to everyone

ESTP: doesn’t do any tasks just constantly runs around to find bodies (and excitement)

ISFP: changes the hats and skins in every turn

ESFP: more interested in chatting with strangers than actually playing the game
