my writing - dota - fictober day 18

“I don’t think this is your problem.” The Bounty Hunter ignored the Bloodseeker next to him as he stared up at the cliff, trying to figure out how to put a ward up there. It was too high for him to reach, yet it was the perfect place to put a ward, to give them vision above a wide stretch of forest and the roads in-between. He only had to get it up there.

For a moment, he debated if he should throw it and hope it would remain standing. If it didn’t, he’d have wasted a perfectly fine ward. He wasn’t that good in throwing things, so he dismissed the idea. Maybe he should try to climb the cliff though it looked difficult.

With the ward in his backpack, the Bounty Hunter stepped closer to the rock and searched for a ledge to grasp and then to put his feet onto. It wasn’t that high, it should be possible. But the wall was smooth and there was nothing for the Hunter to hold on to.

“I disagree. I benefit from the wards you place the same as you. It is only right that I help you and that includes putting the wards into places that are difficult to access.”

The Bounty Hunter smiled, though it was hidden underneath his half mask. He was glad the Bloodseeker was with him. “How are you going to help me but a ward onto the cliff?”

“Get onto my shoulders, then you’ll be able to reach to edge.” It sounded easy but the Bounty Hunter didn’t like heights and it was wobbly on the Bloodseeker’s shoulders. He was nervous and of course the Bloodseeker picked up on it. “I have you, don’t worry.” The words were a soft murmur, a stroke over the Hunter’s senses. He calmed instantly, trusting the Bloodseeker unconditionally.

It was a close thing, but the Bounty Hunter was able to reach the edge of the cliff. He didn’t try to pull himself up, instead he simply dug the ward out of his backpack and stuck it onto the rock. “Down please.”

The Bloodseeker let go of one of the Hunter’s legs, which he had been holding in a tight grip, to hold a hand out for the Hunter to take. Slowly he climbed down from the shoulders. Back on the ground, the Bloodseeker didn’t immediately let go of his hand. They stared at each other, though the Bounty Hunter knew the Bloodseeker couldn’t actually see anything through the cap covering his eyes. But his other senses were good enough to make up for the absence of sight.

“See, this might not have been my problem but together it was still easier to solve, don’t you think?”

The Bounty Hunter smiled again, aware that the Bloodseeker could probably sense it even though it was hidden.

A moment later, the Bloodseeker raised the Hunter’s hand to his mouth, turned it palm upwards and very slowly, while ‘looking’ at the Hunter, licked over his wrist, right where his pulse beat. A shiver raced through the Hunter’s small body, a shiver of delight. A second shiver followed as the lick was accompanied by the slightest scrape of teeth.

When the Bloodseeker lowered the Bounty Hunter’s hand he still didn’t let go, instead they walked through the forest hand in hand.

