Yet Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are very different from each other… . Some of their novels’ themes have a

Yet Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are very different from each other… . Some of their novels’ themes have a family resemblance, but the difference between Emily’s slant on them and Charlotte’s is as great as the difference between Charlotte’s Rochester and Emily’s Heathcliff. In Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, women make large claims for themselves, fail to resent the free talk and shocking behavior of the men in their lives, and in general act far more independently than ladies should. Yet the rebellions mounted in Jane Eyre are different in their kind and course from those mounted in Wuthering Heights. In Jane Eyre, rebellion is the means to an agreeable and accommodating end. In Wuthering Heights, rebellion is an abiding state of mind and an end in itself.

