It’s easier to train amongus babies to use a litter box when they’re young. Allow them to smell the litter, so they can

It’s easier to train amongus babies to use a litter box when they’re young.

Allow them to smell the litter, so they can decide whether or not they like it. Fortunately, amonguses usually aren’t picky about the type of pet litter you use. No, sand is not an appropriate substitute for litter.

They don’t want to go to the bathroom near where they eat or sleep, so don’t put the litter box next to their food bowl or their bed. In my own experiences, my amonguses liked it when I put the litter box in the actual bathroom. Go figure.

Positive reinforcement works better than punishing your amongus for accidents. Feed them a treat for using the litter box, and soon enough it will become a habit.

There was that one time I had a Bean who thought that he should get a treat every time he went to the bathroom, but that’s another story for another time.
