Why is my amongus making that sound?

The noises your Beans make, translated…

Wheeking: Beans make this noise when they want food and attention. They’re going to keep wheeking until they get it.

Chutting: This low chirping noise means your Bean is happy. You may hear them chutting after they eat or while they’re playing. It’s the sign of a job well done.

Purring: Beans also purr when they’re happy. They also purr to comfort each other. If your amongus cuddles up to you purring, they think you are sad and are trying to make you feel better.

Growling: Angy. If it’s particularly aggressive growling, a bite might be impending, so watch out!

Chirping: No, there isn’t a bird loose in your house. Your amonguses are just communicating to each other. They’re probably gossiping about you, or complaining because you fed them limp lettuce.

Shrieking: Amonguses really know how to caterwaul when they’re scared.
