Apparently we have to go over this again for the millionth time

Apparently we have to go over this again for the millionth time

Dear Online Gamers,

  • Trolling does not make you cool, especially ‘joking’ about actual opression
  • If the game is designed for an audience including under 16s, don’t start doing *adult stuff* on it. Theres plenty of other games or private servers for that
  • Teamers, just stop. You literally ruin the game for everyone else. Play fairly it’s really not that hard
  • Stop taking it personally when someone beats you in a game by playing by the rules. That’s the point, don’t like it don’t play
  • Not everyone has played the game as long as you. Bullying them doesn’t make you a better player, it just makes you an asshole

Dear 'noobs,’

  • We appreciate you being here
  • Don’t worry, you’ll get there
  • If anyone picks on you for being bad at a game, I’ll break their kneecaps


An Online Gamer who’s sick of everyone being assholes to each other
