my writing

“I swear, it’s not always like this.”

Bradwarden looked at Enigma. Contrary to the words, it was always the same. The mage was able to cast the most powerful spells, but when they did, it was at the wrong time or at the wrong target and therefore without effect.

“You are the Consumer of Worlds, powerful and intelligent, how do you accomplish it, every single time, to waste your spells like that?” It was an enigma to the Centaur Warrunner, how this was even possible.

“I don’t waste them! And definitely not every time!” The strange creature that seemingly consisted of a dark blue mass, slurped forward. They radiated power, but were not able to direct it in a way that had an effect.

Blue waves pulsed around them on the ground, the rhythm of it soothing. It should be dangerous for enemies, but when the pulse was underneath their own feet instead of the enemies’ it was useless. As were the tiny copies of the Consumer of Worlds. They were able to create these copies of themself, but then the tiny blue blobs stood around, staring into nothing until they vanished again a few moments later. They should be of help, not waste space on the lane and stand in the Centaur’s way.

There was no time to argue as the enemy approached again. Bradwaren jumped into the fray in an instant, swinging his huge battle axe and stomping his hooves. He didn’t exactly expect help from Enigma, since he had seen how the mage fought. When he saw something blue move to his right from the corner of his eyes, he was relieved, though. He could use some help here. No matter how insignificant it might be. Maybe simply the presence of the mage would make an enemy hesitate and give the Centaur the opening he needed.

A wave of Enigma’s blue arms heralded a spell, but as before, it was aimed badly. It was an amazing spell, and everyone stopped to stare at it. The Consumer of Worlds had created a vortex, deep dark at its centre, that appeared to suck everything in its vicinity into the blackness. The only problem: there was no creature near it. Especially no enemy. It was fascinating to look at, but they were fighting, there was no time to gape at the spectacle. Bradwaren was sure if an enemy would be caught by the vortex and sucked into it, the effect of that would be as deadly as it was spectacular. But as it was: “Enigma, you stupid fucker! If you can’t cast spells properly, at least attack without your magic.”

“I am not stupid!” The vortex vanished within an instant, nothing hinting at the darkness that had just been there. “I am one of the most intelligent creatures in the universe! You are nothing in comparison with me!”

The Centaur Warrunner rolled his eyes while he hacked into an enemy. He hated when they were intelligent. They always thought they were better because of that, but in the end, one had to hit the enemy to defeat them. With magic or not, didn’t matter. The Centaur had found that he harmed them, even with more brute force than intelligence. It served him well enough and it made him win his battles.
