Ok I have theories about the Four Lords getting revived that I have to get out of my system because if I don’t I’m gonna

Ok I have theories about the Four Lords getting revived that I have to get out of my system because if I don’t I’m gonna explode

  1. They all live on in Rose. “The Village of Shadows” strikes me as one of those half truth hidden answer sort of things that folks use as a narrative device sometimes and if I’m right they used it like really well. It’s way too coincidental how it outlines so little of Ethan’s story and yet clearly is meant to represent the lords- each of them giving the child lost in the forrest (who is meant to represent rose clearly) “gifts”. But at what point were any of these gifts given??? Well- throughout Miranda’s ceremony, of course. And I have no doubt that the purpose of putting rose in four flasks wasn’t just for fun or show- that possibly each of the lords- like they did in the story- were meant to give a piece of them (cadou or mold? Either? Both?) in order to help her absorb eva better from the megamycete record like miranda wanted. But obviously Miranda’s plan didn’t work so what gives? Well actually??? If the story is anything to go off of, the witch says “gifts we gave, BUT MORE YOU TOOK, so more in turn is due”, and if you’ll recall after miranda’s attempt to put eva in rose her power started failing. That’s right. Rose absorbed miranda’s power at the very minimum- which makes it HIGHLY likely she also absorbed the abilities and records of all the lords as well (and- if the “you will join the megamycete’s records”line from miranda when she kills ethan is to be believed) she’s absorbed her dad’s abilities and records as well. Where this will lead in future games I have no clue- but perhaps it’s possible for Rose to recreate the lords in some capacity or another (no clue tho capcom plays around with the rules of the build a lot but tbh with how popular at least lady D Is they’re gonna want to have her recur for cash and this is a super good loophole for them to do that but if you use it capcom I’ll know and I want royalties).
  2. This one’s a bit loose but when you pawn off Heisenberg’s crystal form to The Duke he says that he “can still feel lord heisenberg’s essence through it” which is very similar to what he says about rose when ethan first discovers the flasks “her essence is still intact”. He doesn’t say much to the same effect about the other lords, but it makes me suspect (or at least WANT to suspect) that there is then a deeper meaning to duke wanting to buy the lord’s crystal corpses off ethan and why he values them so highly- to possibly revive them in some capacity much like Ethan wanted to revive Rose. As to the why? My best guess aligns with the “secret fifth lord The Duke” theory and being that there are still way too many unknowns about him we just don’t know the why (I would hope for an antithesis to Mother Miranda myself) but anyway I just think it’s neat.