Sunrise to Sunset

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Despite being at the castle for over a month now, the occupants still never failed to surprise you.

Your favourite resident, although you would never dare say it out loud, just happened to walk into the room. She bent down through the doorway before rising back to her full height again.

With a sponge held in one hand and all your grit and determination in the other, you had been scrubbing the tile floors. By now half of the kitchen had been cleaned, but you still had a long way to go.

Alcina, you still couldn’t believe you could call her that now, smiled down at you. “I see your hands have healed.”

You grinned back at her and waved your bandageless and spongeless hand.

Lady Dimitrescu nodded approvingly. “Good,” she motioned to the doorway she came through, “follow me then.”

Your brow furrowed at that. “But I’m not done cleaning yet?” Not that you didn’t want to go with her, but it felt kind of rude to just leave a half-finished job.

Alcina chuckled. “While I admire your work ethic, I have some tasks in mind that would be more… suited for you.” When you still didn’t move, she sighed. “I’ll get one of the other maidens to finish the job for you, so no need to worry.”

Satisfied with her answer, you tossed the sponge into the nearby wooden bucket. As you dried your hands on your apron, you followed Lady Dimitrescu back out into the hallway.

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