How it’d go.

y/n: Somehow appears in the Dimitrescu castle. Hears thumps behind them.

Lady D: Who are you little one?

y/n:  ❤️O❤️ “Marry me”

Lady D: *Sighs* “Cassandra! Put them with the others.”

Cass: ”Aye aye captain!”

*Drags y/n to the dungeons to a giant cell full of at least 50 people*

Person 1: “Asked her to marry you too huh? 70% of us are in here for that…”

Person 2: “I remember when there were only 5 of us… they had to make a bigger cell.”

y/n to person 1: “What about the other 30%?”

Person 1: “They asked one or more of the daughters to marry them.”

y/n: “Ah, understandable.”
