sometimes I just like to imagine that after the phonecall cutscene, lady d goes to mother miranda instead of waiting for

sometimes I just like to imagine that after the phonecall cutscene, lady d goes to mother miranda instead of waiting for Ethan and the next cutscene of her slamming Ethan onto the ground is instead lady d calling mother miranda an ungrateful selfish wretch (which she is).

it would totally make sense: she clearly realizes that mother miranda doesn’t care about her daughters getting killed by him (and therefore doesn’t care about alcina’s feelings as well) through that call, but in the game she sadly still pretends to agree with miranda (at least in front of her) because she cares too much about what she thinks of her. in her mind disagreeing in the slightest would mean that miranda will hate her.

I just think there’s no way it’s just admiration towards miranda. lady d is a full grown woman with a family who in my opinion is blinded by her love interest towards miranda, even right before she dies… having to win Miranda’s admiration and praise is so ingrained in her mind that she goes back to that several times throughout the game.

mother miranda is nothing but selfish and doesn’t care about the lords. she only kept them around because they didn’t turn into lycans and had a use for her. if they wouldn’t have turned out as the “most successful” experiments she would’ve gotten rid of them.
