seriously. Can you please slow down and respect the voice actors space while livestreaming?. Maybe I’ll get some

Guys… seriously. Can you please slow down and respect the voice actors space while livestreaming?. Maybe I’ll get some blocks or lose some followers, If you feel offended I’m sorry, you don’t know me and those who do know that is not my intention to hurt anyone, but everybody needs to calm down a little. To start with the fact of everyone asking the girls (in both group and solo livestreamings) If they already signed your prints, they have literally hundreds and you can’t expect them to remember every single one, they might remember a few who had made several purchases but not every single one of us. Also, stop asking them to say things in another languages that they don’t understand (and especially those who don’t even tell them what it means)… the guy who asked Bekka to say something in Portuguese against the Brazilian president did the same today at Maggie’s live…. keep politics, religion and and sexuality out of this, they are creating that space for EVERYONE to enjoy and have a way to connect with them but it has to be respectful and also those things have nothing to do with the essence of the streaming. Their private life is their own, there are things that they might not want to share like their birthdays or their age, pushing them by trying to guess on the live chat and asking them constantly about it is not nice, they will say it whenever they want to say it and IF they want to say it; they have also expressed their support for the lgtb community a million times and they constantly do it, pushing them to say “gay rights” on the chat every single time (ALL THE TIME) will eventually annoy them (and stop saying Bekka is homophobic for not saying “gay rights” she already expressed her support, If she doesn’t want to say all the time then let her be), as well as assuming on their streaming’s chat that because they support the community they are lesbians… again… that’s their private life and just like many get offended when someone else assume their sexuality or mistaken their pronouns, it’s also rude to assume their sexual preference… you can have your opinions but you have places like tumblr or discord to discuss it with likeminded people. Also, please slow down with the horny comments, Maggie and the girls are real people, not their characters, it’s ok If you simp over the characters and their voices (and you might like the actors as well for who they are) but commenting all the time on the chat how hot they are or how gay they make you is not even the point, again… you have other places on which you can express your horniness. Also, pelase stop claiming you have “ownership” of someone else’s space as If you could decide who can be on the chat and who can’t with comments like “only gays and lesbians allowed, no one else”, no one should be banned from anywhere unless the owner of the space says so. That said, let’s respect each other and the actors as well as the space they’ve created for us, their interaction with ppl is one of a kind so let’s work to keep that going. Have a great weeked and hugs to you all. Much love!  
