Random RE8 Lords headcanons bc yeah why not

Random RE8 Lords headcanons bc yeah why not


- Gets surprised that you like her height bc she gets bugged about it by Heisenberg a lot


- Knows a lot about pirates, idk why but this just makes sense, she’d tell pirate stories to her daughters

- loves flowers and would grow them in the courtyard when it was warm

- likes gingerbread (or liked it idk if she can eat normal human food anymore)

- going off of this one^ she just has a big sweet tooth

- love languages are quality time and gift giving


-As well as liking dolls I think she’d also be a tea fanatic to the point of collecting rare tea leaves and tea cups

- Very fragile dainty hands but her finger tips are rough from work (likes when you kiss her fingertips)

- she/they ace and queer

- Gets cold very easily and you can see her veins through her skin

- would like children a lot

- writes stories, and would probably perform them as puppet shows if she could

- Love languages are quality time and acts of service


- would really like Lunchables if he knew about them

- would also really like cartoons and just animation in general

- would like to draw

- before he mutated he was a sailor

- autistic

- amateur ornithologist (studies birds) and knew a lot of sea birds

- love language is physical touch and words of affirmation

- loves very easily


- Kinky bi switch, had to get that out there

- if you made him something out of the metal in his factory he’d be nonchalant about it but he’d keep it on him wherever he went

- is actually the second most touch starved behind Moreau

- has a sensitive scalp

- likes whiskey but is not picky with alcohol

- Likes cats more than dogs

- Insomniac

- Scared of thunder

- love languages are physical touch and quality time
