
Fall in love with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, not the rest of the night with.


Have enough courage to fall in love with the parts of yourself the world has taught you not to accept.


Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.


I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive.


Never apologize for how you feel. No one can control how they feel. The sun doesn’t apologize for being the sun. The


If you can love the wrong one so much, just imagine how much you can love the right one.


Love yourself enough to know when to walk away.


You deserve someone who knows how to make things up to you after hurting you. Not someone who is very good with just the word,...


? In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful ? Intentional harassment or bullying doesn't only occur in school,......

Never play to the gallery. Never work for other people in what you do. Always remember that the reason you initially

_David Bowie_