
Though there be no such thing as Chance in the world; our ignorance of the real cause of any event has the same influence on


Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?


To try to grasp love intellectually is a way of not suffering, not loving — a practical rival, a stratagem of flight.


The most important part of teaching is to teach what it is to know.


If a man has his eyes bound, you can encourage him as much as you like to stare through the bandage, but he’ll never


There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating — people who know absolutely everything, and people who


To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.


Suppose someone said: ‘What do you believe, Wittgenstein? Are you a sceptic? Do you know whether you will survive death?’


We know not through our intellect but through our experience.


You have heard of flying with wings, but you have never heard of flying without wings. You have heard of the knowledge


If intuition is an inner voice – how do I know *how* I am to follow it? And how do I know that it doesn’t mislead me? For if


Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them.


Our own age is essentially one of understanding, and on the average, perhaps, more knowledgeable than any former generation,


We in fact understand nothing exactly, but what changes according to the disposition both of the body and of the things


Anyone who seriously intends to become a philosopher must ‘once in his life’ withdraw into himself and attempt, within himself,...


Because the ignorant do not know themselves, they never know for what they are lacking. Some would be sages if they did


I do not believe that I am now dreaming, but I cannot prove that I am not. I am, however, quite certain that I am having


My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don’t know anything at all.


We are as much as we see. Faith is sight and knowledge. The hands only serve the eyes.


All our progress is an unfolding, like the vegetable bud. You have first an instinct, then an opinion, then a knowledge, as


Knowledge of the heart must come from the heart — from and in its pains and longings, its emotional responses.


I am sitting with a philosopher in the garden; he says again and again ‘I know that that’s a tree’, pointing to a tree that


Every other knowledge is harmful to him who does not have knowledge of goodness.


Everyone acknowledges that there are vast amounts we do not know, and that enormous opportunities for progress in
