#The Testaments

You’d be surprised how quickly the mind goes soggy in the absence of other people. One person alone is not a full person:


Where there is an emptiness, the mind will obligingly fill it up. Fear is always at hand to supply any vacancies, as


Think of me as a guide. Think of yourself as a wanderer in a dark wood. It’s about to get darker.


Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Having no friends, I must make do with enemies.


The adult female body was one big booby trap as far as I could tell. If there was a hole, something was bound to be shoved


How tedious is a tyranny in the throes of enactment. It’s always the same plot.


We’re stretched thin, all of us; we vibrate; we quiver, we’re always on the alert. Reign of terror, they used to say, but


You hold it in, whatever it is, until you can make it through the worst part. Then, once you’re safe, you can cry all the
