I want to be with you. I want to go on little dates with you, I wanna hang out at your house, lay in your bed together tell

I want to be with you. I want to go on little dates with you, I wanna hang out at your house, lay in your bed together tell

I want to be with you. I want to go on little dates with you, I wanna hang out at your house, lay in your bed together tell each other stories an play fight an laugh our heads off.

I want to cuddle up next to you and put my hand on your head and touch your soft hair an run my fingers threw it. I wanna watch you play video games an giggle when you get mad for loosing.

I wanna go pick you up from work and see you walk out the doors in your cute little uniform and smile cause im so happy to see you.

I wanna watch movies with your family and I wanna eat dinner together at the table and talk about our days.

I want to make late night snacks with you and your brother at 2am. I wanna wear your shirt and smell it cause it smells like you.

I wanna sleep next to you on your bed with that blanket I love so much and lay my head on your flat pillows that I actually love.

I want all that with you every day.
