To all of the sad souls out there, do you believe in faith? do you ever wonder if there’s more to life than just trying

To all of the sad souls out there,
do you believe in faith? do you ever wonder if there’s more to life than just trying

To all of the sad souls out there,

do you believe in faith? do you ever wonder if there’s more to life than just trying and trying and never feeling like you’ve ever done enough? i have crossed the threshold of growing flowers in the dark and handing out poetry in the light. i have seen fire as bright as the sun touch the blues of my worries and i can never look away from such beauty. dear darling, do you still feel sad that you won’t make it out alive? dear lover, are you still safe when i’m not around? dear darling, i still miss you even if we don’t talk. words we’ve all wanted to say and isn’t that where we should never end up? do you believe in faith? i have placed all of my faith into the universe and asked for a gift that could see right through the very fabric of my entire being, of my entire existence inside of soft and gentle hands, but you have to be willing to grab it and go, you have to be willing to receive it. i am just one big open letter and sometimes i write love letters and love poems to myself. you see self-care starts with self-love and you’re right, it won’t always be positive and goodness, but there will always be a new day after your incredibly shitty day. that much i know. you have to be willing. you have to give yourself that chance. we are gardeners after all, where do we go from here? do you get lost with your happiness? or cut off your ear like van gogh? maybe we can feel found and at home while keeping both of our ears! i am definitely trying to cheer you up, i know that you’ve had a rough day and nothing works. the regular stuff that keeps you high and dazed aren’t doing it tonight, but maybe this love letter just might do it for you. i am just a wanderer, i am just a traveler. i am just a moment. i am just temporary. i am just love and here’s my way of loving you. you are beautiful. you really, really, really are. i know my poetry doesn’t read the same, but we all have our choices to make and paths to take. just pray that you’re lucky enough to find someone to walk it with you. you’re not lonely, you just feel like it. just look around under all of these stars, you can truly feel small and feel at home. dear wanderer of mine, are you taking care of yourself today? yes? no? maybe?! well, i love you regardless. you are going to be alright. that much i know. that is going to be alright. i promise. just keep going until you can finally lay down on your bed and let everything roll off your eyes into a dream that you won’t remember and start a new day that you’ll hopefully make memorable and unforgettable. also, when was the last time you did something happy for yourself? something that doesn’t involve boozes or drugs— something that’s more of a sober you and less of a fucked up you. bad decisions, good decisions— no matter what happens, if you did your bed, you’ll always come home to some good ole clean energy and sleep well. start over. press reset. i love you very much. this is just my positive bullshit for tonight. take it. leave it. fold it up. paper plane it. write poetry onto it. whatever you do with it, just accept it and don’t regret a thing because life is short and you have to find your purpose and meaning in it while you still have this wonderful gift that allows you to breathe, taste, cry, think, feel, regret, worry, overreact, touch, smell, laugh, and smile. you are the most human thing i’ve ever written to, unless you’re an alien inside one of our top secret labs reading this from a stolen iphone that you probably shouldn’t have because the internet is crazy even for aliens… yeah… there’s also that. i love you anyway. enjoy your day. ♡
