Frostbite and Burn scars  Chater 3) Godless

“So we’re in Khaenr'iah…" 


"And it’s on a completely plane of existence…" 

"Not completely different, just on the border between life and death but yes go on”

“And there’s just a portal to this place in Musk Reef?" 

"Congratulations you’ve caught yourself up” Kaeya said sarcastically, standing up. 

Diluc rubbed his temple and wondered just why the hell he decided to jump into a swirling blue light with a no good spy. But it was too late for second thoughts, Kaeya said that the portal only opens every moon cycle so he’d be stuck here for a while. 

“Why exactly does the portal need a moon cycle specifically?” Diluc asked, irritated. 

“Well it’s a very old relic” Kaeya had said “It’s magic is weakening. It used to be a continuous portal back before I was born, but in recent years it’s power has slowed down and it requires time to recharge. Plus do you know how taxing it is to travel in between different dimensions? It requires a significant amount of magic, it’s amazing how it still works." 

Diuc adjusted his gloves again, it was an odd habit of his to do it whenever he was anxious. Now, in another nation, in another world, he found himself doing it quite a lot. Perhaps it felt familiar, the tug almost felt like holding someone’s hand, though he’d be surprised if holding hands felt different. He hadn’t held anyone’s in years. 

"Well, let’s go now” Kaeya said, walking in the direction of the city. 

“Why would they recognize you?” Diluc asked. He had met Kaeya when he was five, Kaeya was seven. He can’t have lived for more than a few months in Mondtadt before father found him. He’d know, Kaeya kept crying and mumbling for his father in his sleep. It’s probably been years since he had last been seen around here. And who’s to say time didn’t work different here? 

“Why would they forget their prince?" 

Diluc’s head snapped to see a man coming from deeper into the forest. He wore mostly black with blues and golds decorating him, blonde hair hung half down and obscured an odd mask that only covered his right eye that was glowing yellow. A long cape flowed behind him as he walked, and he bowed respectfully before Kaeya and him. No, more to Kaeya. 

"I’m sorry, prince?” Diluc inquired, turning to look at Kaeya for an answer. 

“With all due respect, Prince Kaeya, you’ve never told this man who you were?" 

Kaeya shrugged "Never had a reason to” he said nonchalantly “If you’d like, you may introduce me properly to my dear associate here. You are a royal advisor and herald after all, Dainsleif" 

The man, Dainsleif stood up "May I introduce to you Lord Kaeya Alberich, heir to the throne of Kaenr'iah, son of the the Crescent Moon dynasty, and Kaenri'ah’s savior” he said. He didn’t seem to be lying and the way Kaeya held himself right now, seemed to suggest that it was the truth. Kaeya wasn’t some bastard, he was a fucking prince. 

“Hmm, never gets old” Kaeya mused. “Diluc, this is Dainsleif. He’s a trusted friend of house Alberich and one of my father’s closest and youngest advisors. Speaking of dear old dad, I heard the young man has finally kicked the bucket?" 

Dainsleif nodded "Indeed. I arranged for you to be brought back here for his funeral and your eventual coronation as king" 

Dilcu saw Kaeya’s fists clench, seemingly not fond of the idea of being king. He couldn’t argue with that, being a carefree prince seemed easier than a king with the fate of an entire kingdom on his shoulders. 

"I believe you said your companions name was Diluc?" 

"Hmm? Oh yes, this is Diluc, he’s a member of the Fatui, an organization that has helped me with my goal quite a bit" 

Dainsleif looked at Diluc suspiciously,  Diluc pretended not to notice and tried to prevent himself from maiming Kaeya for using the Fatui of all originations for cover. "Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to have a guest…”

“That’s the spirit!” Kaeya cheered.

“There’s a carriage awaiting us, just this way, Prince Kaeya, brother Diluc" 

Diluc still couldn’t quite wrap his head around the whole "Prince Kaeya” thing. Prince? This bastard? Well, bastard doesn’t really suit him anymore. 

“I see you’re still a bit confused about all of this, Diluc?” Kaeya asked. 

Dainsleif had ushered them into a carriage and rode on horseback behind them, the carriage itself was nicer than anything Diluc’s ever been in. Yes he was wealthy and had seen his fare share of luxuries, but this carriage was a lot nicer than the ones Dilucs been in, and this was just a fraction of Kaeya’s fortune as a prince. 

“You could say that…”

“Hmm yes, I’m well aware that Mondstadt and most of the other nations don’t have set rulers, rather most are overseen by an organization or a council" 

"And why is Kaenri'ah not? The monarchy system never worked for the other nations" 

Kaeya’s eye turn bitter and dark for a moment, peering out of the window "Kaenri'ah  doesn’t have a god to guide them like the other nations do. So, they turn to royalty to be their gods, to worship and grovel at their feet, to rule them with the flaws of man. It’s rater pitiful" 

Dilcu had never really thought of it that way. There was always someone with power over the nation, but not in charge as a whole. That was because the respective archon of the nation was seen as the true ruler. He knew that some archons even lived amongst their people like royalty, Rex Lapis had for a time he had heard. 


Humans ruling humans, what a mistake. No wonder Kaenri'ah was falling apart. They were godless, abandoned, they refused the gods. They made their own gods and ignored the warnings of the archons. An entire nation, suffering from pride. No wonder Kaeya’s symbol was the peacock, all flare, too proud to pay any attention, to bow down to anyone. Fitting for a godless country

There seemed to be peacock motifs everywhere in Khaenri'ah. Flagpoles flew the emblem of a peacock, citizens were dressed in rich blues and greens, with gold adorning those who looked to be part of a wealthier caste. The godless city, suffering from their hubris, proudly flying flags with a peacock of all things on them. What fools. Dilcu almost wanted to laugh at the irony. 


Red eyes met a single lilac one "Be careful. The walls have ears here in Kaenri'ah. Be careful of what you say" 

Diluc scoffed "Are you concerned about me?" 

Kaeya shrugged "If you don’t want them to find out. And frankly, I’d like it if I didn’t have to say I didn’t know you. The people here are going to maim you if they find out you’re this… defender of Mondstadt" 

Kaeya had a point, for once. Mondstadt was supposed to be Kaenri'ah’s enemy. Diluc would be dead if he was found out. He didn’t really have a choice. He was stuck here until the gateway opened again and he could return home. Home… to that empty mansion, to the quiet tavern, with no one but servants and workers surrounding him. Mondtadt’s most eligible bachelor, the wealthy young prodigy, the rich and famous Master Diluc! What a joke. Empty lies, all of them. 

They rode on in silence for a while, Kaeya absentmindedly looking out the window while Diluc sat and looked down at his feet.

"We’re here” Kaeya said. The door to the carriage opened, the two men stepped out, and Diluc’s breath hitched at the site of the giant palace. Architecture unlike any he’s ever seen, the colossal white and grey palace almost seemed to scrape the heavens. 

“Welcome to Babylon, palace of the godless”

A colossal palace, built so high it scraped the heavens. A vain attempt to reach the gods. How fitting, Kaenri'ah really was the city of peacocks, the city of fools and bastard, city of the godless. 
