Genshin oc??

Finally got around to making a Genshin oc 

more info under the cut 

~Lil Bio~

Name: Dai Zhi, but he prefers to be called just ‘Zhi’

Gender: Male

Birthday: 21st February 

Age: Mid Twenties

Vision: Electro 

Weapon: Catalyst

Nicknames: Little bastard man (from me, just there now)

Some little fun facts:

  • He’s an idiot
  • Acts high and mighty but can’t do basic math
  • Think Jason from fgo, but less full of himself
  • but he’s still kind of self centred
  • Always tired
  • Loves sweets and sweet food
  • From Liyue

If there’s anything else you want to know about him drop it down and I’ll answer you!
