Traditional blood-based recipes adapted for vampires

Traditional blood-based recipes adapted for vampires

I wrote this wanting to help people with their fanfics and headcanons about Dimitrescu family feeding habits.

Morcilla (Spain): sausage made from human blood filled with human meat.

Filloas (Spain): pancakes with human blood.

Fritanga de sangre (Spain): fried blood and mix it with tomatoes.

Sangre encebollada (Spain): human blood mixed with onion.

Sangrecillas (Spain): soup with tomatoes and blood.

Civet (France): human prey cooked in their own flesh.

Sanguinaccio dolce (Italy): dessert with chocolate and maiden’s blood.

Svartsoppa (Sweden): soup with human blood.

Schwarzsauer (Germany): human blood mixed with vinegar and human remains

Cheng teng (China): soup of human entrails.

Nam Tok (Tailand): an spicy soup with human blood.

If some of you know more, leave a comment and I’ll updated my post to add more blood-based recipes. And of course, feel free to correct me if any recipe is wrong or is disrespectful.
